Temporary Judge Program
Temporary Judge Program
The Court maintains a list of certified volunteer attorneys who serve intermittently as a temporary judge when the needs of the court cannot be fulfilled using the full-time judicial staff.
Temporary Judges may be asked to serve in the following case types:
- Traffic
- Small Claims
- Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
- Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
- Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
- Elder Abuse Restraining Orders
Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rules 2.810-2.819, the Monterey County Superior Court conducts recruitment for temporary judges every three years.
Bench Conduct and Demeanor Training - April 4, 2025
Minimum Qualifications
Except in unusual circumstances, candidates applying to serve as temporary judges must have been admitted to the State Bar of California for a minimum of 10 years, be in good standing and have maintained all education, training and general condition requirements as stated by California Rule of Court 2.810-2.819. The Court will also consider individual areas of specialization and practice, areas of interest and the individual's ability to commit to intermittent assignments.
Additional Information
Additional information about the Temporary Judge program can be found on the Judicial Council Temporary Judge Resources website.
For further information, contact the Court via email at: RegMonterey@monterey.courts.ca.gov